El Governor RV Park

Terrain de camping privé

We are a full hook up RV park with 30 or 50 amp. We provide water, sewer, electric, Wi Fi, cable TV, bath house, Rec room, laundry room, book exchange in the Rec room, and an ice machine. The facilities at the El Governor Motel across the street offers the use of their beautiful heated pool, tiki hut with picnic tables and grills, and a tiki bar that overlooks the beach. The gift shop inside the motel provides you with postage, coastal gifts, snacks and various supplies. When you come into the park you are provided with a packet of information about our area which includes our Mexico Beach Magazine, Mexico Beach Map, and area information.Our Mexico Beach Welcome Center is right down the street and has all the information you need plus activities for your fun stay. The parking space for your trip to the beach is your RV site!



Map of El Governor RV Park

1700 Hwy 98
Mexico Beach, FL

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